Before 1789 | Shed cars and carriages
The “remise car” appeared in Paris in the 17th century. Traffic in Paris was such that the authorities decided to provide coachmen who were in the service of the court and the king with garages called “remises” so that they could park.
Depending on the size of their coaches they were given a “small shed” or a “large shed”.
It was at this time that the first “rental” service of carriages called “cabs” rented by the hour or by the day was created to replace the carrier chairs.
As a result, the first regulation was imposed:
- Determining the location of the stations that the cabs were to occupy
- Rate regulation
Between 1790 and 1855 Place convertibles and control convertibles
After the revolution and the end of privileges, the exploitation of rental cars was liberalized and expanding. To regulate this area, the police prefecture imposes a number to be fixed on the cab and grants parking permits and storage of vehicles.
Then, will appear the “management convertibles” that will be able to work freely and without limits on the condition of never parking on public roads when they are not in customers (such as Private drivers) unlike cabs and cabriolets of place.
1955 Dissociation of the small and the large shed
In 1955, a decree on the operation of discount and tourism companies again distinguished between large shed cars and small shed cars.
It defines high-discount cars former Private drivers) as “luxury passenger cars driven by the owner or his attendant according to pre-determined conditions between the parties”.
In 2009 Passenger cars with driver
LawNo. 2009-888 of 22 July 2009 on the development and modernization of tourist services massively modifies the conditions of access and exercise of the activity of Grand Remise driver. The profession is thus called “Operation of passenger cars with driver” (Private driver) and is undergoing significant deregulation.
The old Grand Remise licences, formerly issued by the prefecture to companies after a review before a departmental commission, are cancelled.
Companies wishing to operate chauffeur-driven passenger cars were required to register on a register of operators of chauffeur-driven passenger cars managed by the organization Atout France, which depends on the Ministry of Tourism.
This deregulation was symbolized by the arrival of platforms for connecting independent drivers with customers, such as Uber, Snapcar, LeCab, Private Driver, Lyft or Allocab.
Since January 1,er 2015 – “chauffeur-driven transport cars “
The profession will again change its name with the LawNo. 2014-1104 ofOctober 1, 2014 relating to taxis and chauffeur-driven transport cars.
As of January1, 2015, the profession is called “Driverless Car Operations” (Private driver) and is part of what is known as the “Special Public Transport of Persons” (T3P). Companies are now required to register on a Private driver Operator Registry managed by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.

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